Working Progress

This week has been pretty crazed with talking about my book’s (Dimensions: The College Years) release to various entities and individuals. Combined that with the overwhelming support and love from my family and friends, you could imagine how lifted my heart became in such a short period of time. Though the book is growing at a steady rate for an amateur author, I should admit something: I’m not particularly satisfied with the stats of the first installment in the Dimensions series.

My brothers and my close mates understood completely. They told me that I was trying to achieve so many in such a little time. To be patient and proud of my progress so far. Basically, to take the time to enjoy the accomplishment rather than speeding by it. I have a little problem with understanding the aspect of “enjoying the moment”. Ha ha ha

Now, after three days of “enjoying the moment”, I felt the need to get back to working on the next installment of the Dimensions series. But, this time around, my writing schedule is going to put into overdrive for the next few months because I’m going to be working on the outlines for the next two installments of the Dimensions series and the official synopsis of my LGBT series.

For the second installment of Dimensions, I’m pushing for an earlier release date – maybe Spring 2018. This time around, the eight stories are going to follow a common theme among movies. I’m also working with a fellow writer for the third installment of Dimensions; we’re just deciding on the theme and subtitle for that installment.

Now, the LGBT+ series, I have the main characters and the synopsis of the “Season One”. The only thing that’s becoming a problem is Amazon’s unofficial policy of creating episodic novels. They’re mostly concern with customers complaining about being “cheated out of their money.” What’s funny about it is that they actually love the idea of constantly updating the book. They just don’t want the customers/readers – both old and new – feeling cheated for buying the books at different time frames. So! I may be forced to release a full novel as opposed to my original plan of a chapter/episode a week. Hopefully, I can figure something out before the end of the month.

Finally, I’ve also been working a couple of individuals on a few marketing campaign and strategies for my current book after my move to Ohio. However, before anything, I want to make sure that I become part of the appropriate community and guilds. The main goal is to maximize my exposure to the public without breaking the bank; it’s a very interesting process. Still, though, I have to say…this journey is going to be a splendid one.