Home Life With Friend Like These

With Friend Like These

by dimensionaltales

You know, I’m not usually one for giving myself praise but I am really proud of myself for so many things. This week has brought me in and out of my comfort zone with such lovely outcomes. There’s three I want to talk about, specifically, because it made me the happiest.

The first one was a really big one for me. I climbed my first mountain. It happened on Friday and I did it with my friends from work. See, the last time, I ever hike a trail was during my middle school years and it was nice but not very memorable. I should mention that I hated everything about my middle school. Yes, everything! Anyway, I was invited to climb the mountain with a name I can’t pronounce (the pictures are here).

It took us three and a half hours to complete the hike and my legs were begging me to stop. No, seriously, I had to stop every now and again to collect myself because my legs kept tensing up and I was having a hard time breathing. Confession time! I’ve never done any type of exercise that was meant for incline. Plus, I rarely had to walk up hills. I can only remember doing that in San Fransisco. So, I was getting a beautiful beating. Luckily, the scene from the top was truly worth it.

Afterward, we went to Blue Frog, a very popular burger restaurant for the ex-pat crew (foreigners) where we treated ourselves to a job well done. Despite how much I felt I suck, my friends assured me that some did a lot worse than me – some even quit. It made me feel better to know that I didn’t give up and I made it my brothers and friends back home very proud. However, I did nothing for the rest of the night. I counted that as my day off. Haha!

Earlier that week, I finally completed transcribing the Jaxton Wheeler interview for the second installment of the Sexy Entertainer series. I am so happy because I know people are going to love this man’s bluntness and honesty about his time in the industry. Why did it take me so long? Because I had to find all of the audio files. Yeah, some of them got lost in the datastream and I had to hunt for them all. Now, the only thing that has to be done is the Photo Gallery and Introduction and it will be ready to print.

Speaking of the Sexy Entertainer series, I also got done with the third interview for this series. I’m not going to tell you who it is, yet, because I want to make sure that I don’t lose any of these audios. I’ve learned my lesson. I need to take better care of my data. However, I will give you three hints and I’ll let you on my next blog post:

  1. He was the first adult entertainer to be an Andrew Christian model
  2. Speaking of Andrew Christian, it was his idea to use videos to promote the brand.
  3. He was one of the few adult entertainers to have MMA experience.

Don’t worry, I’ll tell you on the next blog post. You have my word.

Now, please, don’t forget to follow me on my social media platforms (TwitterInstagram, and Goodreads) which are on the right side of my web page. Also, I do love hearing suggestions of what books to read outside of my norm (Science fiction and fantasy) as I am a part of the Goodreads’ reading challenge for 2020. My goal is to read 100 books this year and I’m already at 50. Probably end up reading 120 before the year is out.

Also, buy Not Afraid of Dick: A Sitdown with Dante Drackis, which is out on Amazon and Kindle.

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Meet Me Halfway – Dimensional Author's Realm 2020-05-11 - 00:07

[…] Before I forgot, did you all manage to guess who’s the next adult entertainer I just got done interviewing? He’s going to be the […]


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