Home LifeFab Life We’re All In This Together Part 5

We’re All In This Together Part 5

by dimensionaltales

We’re on the fifth week of praise and recognition towards my closest mates who are making wonderful strides in their chosen field. So, just to bring you up to speed if you’ve forgotten:

Week 1: Authors

Week 2: Directors/Screenwriters

Week 3: Male Models & Cosplay

Week 4: Female Models & Cosplay

Now, let’s keep the momentum going by focusing on my friends in the music industry. 


Let’s start off with Lost Puppy, a wonderful indie rock band based in Los Angeles, which my best mate is a vocalist for. They released their first album, Wash Your Hands Before You Steal My Heart, a few years ago with a second album in the work. Personally, Show & Tell is my favorite song thus far and can’t wait to see what else they produce. They play quite regularly in the area so I implore you to check them out as well as their website, Twitter, Facebook & Instagram.


Next up is Andrew Worthy, an old friend from my college years. Many moons ago, he demonstrated his singing and dancing talents to me and others and something told me to keep an eye on him. Now, in 2018, this bloke has made so many wonderful songs that are great to listen. Check it out by visiting this link and his Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & YouTube page.


Don Dooney isn’t in the limelight like my other two mates but his talents shouldn’t be ignored. His talents behind a guitar are something that shouldn’t be ignored and it wouldn’t surprise me if he decides to release an album. Maybe he gets enough pressure on his Instagram page.


Finally, we end on my fellow Lancer (Central High School mascot), Pierre Nix who, like me, is part of the LGBT+ community. Honestly, I was late to the party when learning about his musical talents but better late than never. I love the soulful approach so go out his Instagram and giving his1013376_526162654116587_1457382092_n Facebook page a look, which based off a group he’s apart of.

Please check out my friends and don’t forget to follow me on my social media platforms (Twitter, Instagram, and Goodreads) which are on the right side of my web page. Also, I do love hearing suggestions of what books to read outside of my norm (Science fiction and fantasy) as I am a part of the Goodreads’ reading challenge for 2018.

(P.S.) Sorry for the late post. My computer is nearing the end of its life cycle but I’m too stubborn to buy a new one.

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1 comment

I Like To Propose A Toast – Dimensional Author's Realm 2020-11-16 - 09:44

[…] can’t tell you how grateful for this gent. If you remember from my earlier post, he is a gifted musician with great music released. See, he’s also a poet and wanted to gain […]


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