Home LifeFab Life We’re All In This Together Part 4

We’re All In This Together Part 4

by dimensionaltales

We’re on the third week of praise and recognition towards my closest mates who are progressing swimmingly in their field. So, just to bring you up to speed if you’ve forgotten:

Week 1: Authors

Week 2: Directors/Screenwriters

Week 3: Male Models & Cosplay

Now, we’re going to shift the focus from the males and all their manliness to the women and all their grace and elegances. Fair warning, I don’t know as many female cosplayers as I do males…well…at least any that are making strides.

imagesFirst one up is RADCOSPLAY, a Denver-based cosplayer who can seriously rock a Cindy Aurum cosplay to perfection. I got to meet you at NYCC last year and instantly became a fan of hers. I got to see more of her this year since I’ll be working at NYCC, again, for my sixth year. I do implore you to check out her Facebook page and follow her on Instagram.


Now, Jennifer McWilliams, I’ve got to know this beautiful woman for years – along with her other half. What sets her apart from the other mainstream cosplayers is exactly what she promotes: Body Praising. She calls herself an “Aspiring Plus Size Fashionista” and leaves up to that title as her outfits are on point. But, hey, don’t take my word for it, check 33532941_598815947164328_3174225997067190272_n out her Instagram, Twitter and, please, follow her on Patreon.

Finally, my best friend (aka hag) in the world, Briana Bailey. Now, this sexy lady has been by my side from the longest time and is not only a model (when she feels like it) and a cosplayer (when she’s up for it) but also an exceptional fashion 28379636_10155003448545566_792614288668753920_ndesigner who has created outfits for many clients to werk. Even better, she’s ALWAYS looking for new clients and challenges. Of course, you can see for yourself by checking out her LinkedIn profile, website along with her Twitter.

Please check out my friends and don’t forget to follow me on my social media platforms (Twitter, Instagram, and Goodreads) which are on the right side of my web page. Also, I do love hearing suggestions of what books to read outside of my norm (Science fiction and fantasy) as I am a part of the Goodreads’ reading challenge for 2018.

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We’re All In This Together Part 5 – Dimensional Author's Realm 2018-09-01 - 23:26

[…] Week 4: Female Models & Cosplay […]


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