Home Life The Winds of Time Are Blowing

The Winds of Time Are Blowing

by dimensionaltales

Sorry for the month of no blog posting. I’ve been so busy with various writing projects that I wanted to tackle and complete before I start my teaching job in China. Yes, that’s right, I’m going to be a TEFL teacher for the Chinese school system. It’s exciting and, honestly, I’m nervous as all holy hell. But because of that brilliant news, I had to do A LOT of planning and securing which meant that I didn’t have a lot of time to sit in front of my computer.

First things first, that passport process was a bitch and a half. It usually takes around 4-6 weeks, sometimes sooner because my grandma lives near one. But I decided to grab it during the height of the government shutdown and spring breakers SO my passport took a hell of a lot longer. Two months. Two bloody months!!! Haha! So, everything got pushed back for the work visa process. “Don’t be surprised if we have to push your departure date a month,” said my recruiter/future boss. But that wasn’t the only thing on my mind.

I got to make sure that the members of my Audible team project are prime and ready to go once the 46 short stories are complete so I have to write down a complete handbook/outline on how everything is going to be run. We are all excited but, me personally, I’m nervous about the whole thing because…well…it’s my stories and I want it to be liked. I mean…I know that it’s completely subjective to the audience but still…

Later on, in the month of April, I got to meet up with my little brother who wanted to make sure that we have a small gathering before leaving the country. He wanted to go with me but, alas, talked himself out of it after being reminded of my darling niece. It wasn’t easy. It’s never going easy being apart from my family as I’ve always been really attached to my baby bro (he hates being called that!!).

See, while growing up together, both of us has had people – both in and out of the family – trying to divide us and turn against one other. And it almost worked for a spell. But, after a while, it finally clicked for us that we are really the only two people who got each other’s back. After, we made sure that no one comes between us. I mean…we also made a vow to never share a flat together but something entirely different. We lived together for almost a decade and a half…we’re over that. Haha!

However, I did tell my bro that we can travel together between teaching contracts so we’re making a list of countries to see travel. My only rule is that it has to be LGBTQ+ friendly and we use Airbnb. Don’t want to run into the country’s militia who wants to do me harm because of something I can’t control. Plus, you want to talk about a protective brother, call me a “fag” around my brother and watch how fast he’ll kick some arse. He hates that word more than me. Also, I called dibs on Brazil, London, and Sweden. However, we will be making a full list before I leave for China.

Well…I think that’s everything for now. I’ve just been working on my work visa for the last month I’m a little burnt out. So! I’m going to play some games on my Nintendo Switch and wait to watch the latest episode of Game of Thrones.

Now, please, don’t forget to follow me on my social media platforms (Twitter, Instagram, and Goodreads) which are on the right side of my web page. Also, I do love hearing suggestions of what books to read outside of my norm (Science fiction and fantasy) as I am a part of the Goodreads’ reading challenge for 2019.

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