Home Life Teaching, Writing, and Networking…Fucking Hell…

Teaching, Writing, and Networking…Fucking Hell…

by dimensionaltales

This week was beyond hectic for my colleagues and me. All of us spent the week reviewing everything for our students’ finals next week. Most of us have more than two grades to teach and, in turn, review (I had three, but my Twelfth Grader graduated). That alone is enough to drain us mentally. But, alas, I’m not just a teacher.

So, as I said in previous posts, I teach three grades: 7th, 8th, and 12th. Since my twelfth graders graduated, I only had to help two grades study for their exams. Honestly, it wasn’t hard for Grade 8 as they were just practicing for their oral exam. Grade 7, on the other hand, was a different story. Those students have the attention span of a hummingbird. You know have no idea how many times I had to refocus them. I even had to remind them that I would be teaching them next year and, if they fail, I would be a completely different teacher. That was a magic promise that got them to act right.

I also got to do an exit interview for one of my Twelfth Grade students, Jason, who will be moving to Arizona for university. It caught both of us off-guard and, apparently, he would only do if I was the one interviewing him. That was something I didn’t see coming. Everybody told me that he connect with me the most and never believed it until now. I’m really honored.

On top of that,  I had been working with a Brazilian photographer, Santrosa Batidão, and the studio, Audácia Records, on the same literary project that I have working on with two other photographers. The model that we chose, Carlos Ximenes, was someone I met on Blued, a dating app, and we started chatting for about a year or so. It took a while on both our ends, but he finally got the opportunity to model for a book cover. Please do follow their Instagram by clicking on the picture:

Carlos Ximenes


I think I’m going to interview Carlos later on when I’m ready to release the Portuguese version. He is such a nice guy and I want to the world to know more about him. Just can’t figure out if I want it to be a video interview or a paper.

Additionally, I had to coordinate between three other photographers and models because I’m going to have this novella is five different languages. I swear, Fiverr and Upwork is going to make a killing off of me because finding translators is going to be a new adventure for me.

Anyway, I still have to moderate my students’ exams which means I still have to some work to do. Oh! I also have summer holiday homework to create and assign which is harder than I thought. It’s mainly because I don’t like the idea of kids doing work during the summer, they should be relaxing and having fun. But, alas, it’s China and I actually like their parents because they really want their kids to do well oversea. They were even okay with the fact that I would only give them an hour’s worth of homework a day so I guess a compromise has been created.

Now, please, don’t forget to follow me on my social media platforms (TwitterFacebookInstagram, and Goodreads) on my web page’s right side. Also, I do love hearing suggestions of what books to read outside of my norm (Science fiction and fantasy) as I am a part of the Goodreads’ reading challenge for 2022. My goal is to read 180 books this year and I’m already at 124.

Oh, before I forgot, I got something for you all – a gift. Well, more of a teaser, but, nonetheless, a gift.


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