For 2024, I’m doing something different. Instead of telling you every story I’ve read each month, I will tell you my top five favorites. So! While I have read fifteen books for November, here are my Top 5 favorites. No reviews, this time, though.
His death has been grossly exaggerated. The famous literary narcissist lives on and has been quite a busybody in his new “profession”. He has so many stories to tell and he wishes to tell them to you. Would you care to listen to his delightful tales?– Book Description
An extensive interview with a gentleman who is ready to close the chapter of his life. Learn about his ongoing spiritual path as Aaron Savvy talks about his past, present, and future.”
-Book Description
I am proud to announce that the next installment of the Sexy Sitdown Interview series has been released. And, the lucky interviewee is…AARON SAVVY!!! I was so excited about taking this man and showed me to be extremely grounded. It was an incredible honor. I hope you all enjoy the reading. Thank you all for your patience and now it can be purchased on Amazon and Kindle. Please buy and give an honest review as I love learning and improving my craft.
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