Home Life Quickly Back To Educational Reality

Quickly Back To Educational Reality

by dimensionaltales

I have a lot to prepare for my students. Lesson plans. Loads of PPTs. Story-gathering. Worksheet creations. You get the gist, so I’ll be quick.

Let’s just get it out of the way now. New Zealand was amazing and I have the pictures to prove it. Haha! The people were so friendly and accommodating. The food was hearty and amazing. And the Maori were just as strong, sexy, and welcoming as I imagined. Plus, my first rugby game was a great success as it was as eye-opening as I was told. I need to read up on it so I can watch more games. Oh! I have a new tattoo. A tribunal panther tattoo on my chest. I would regale all my experiences, but I think it would be better if you go to my Instagram and see for yourself.

Now! I must get back to work. Please don’t forget to follow me on my social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Goodreads) on my web page’s right side. Also, I love hearing suggestions of what books to read outside of my norm (Science fiction and Fantasy) as I am a part of the Goodreads’ reading challenge for 2024. Even though I’ve just completed my challenge for this year, I’m obviously not stopping. Right now, I’m at 157 and I start work soon so…

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