Home Life Changing Lanes

Changing Lanes

by dimensionaltales

This week has been quite an eventful week for me both nice and…not nice. An equal amount of light and darkness has been plaguing me all week.

This week, I finally got my permit and learning how to drive; it’s quite an interesting ordeal. Now, I can see the looks on your guys’ faces so let me explain. I was raised in Philadelphia, PA, for most of my life, and since Philadelphia is a metropolitan city with a brilliantly responsive transit system, I never really had the desire to learn how to drive. And, when I say, “brilliantly responsive”, I’m not exaggerating. Buses, trains, trolley, high-speed lines and subway systems are almost always on time with the friendliest drivers. Well…friendly to me, mostly, since I have a knack for putting smiles on people’s faces.

But, back to the driving, since I moved to Ohio, I was having the hardest time doing my merchandising job with Premium Retail Service because Columbus, OH doesn’t have as reliable to what I’m accustomed to. See, when I’m given five SOs (Service Orders) to complete, I can usually get it done by 4-5p if I leave my place at 10-11a or so. Not the case in Ohio; thanks to their sub-par transit system, I’m usually done by 8-9p so I was enlightened to get my license and car.

Driving isn’t that bad; it’s actually quite delightful. The only problem that I’m having with this new learning experience is that my overthinking (something my buddy at NGA hired me for as I can analysis every possible scenario) can be my worst enemy on the road. Plus, I tend to panic way too easily but that’s starting to die down a bit after being put on the highway. My buddy has a knack for training people with the best results.

Learning how to drive, and playing Tales of Berseria (lovely game by the way), couldn’t have come at a better time because I’m having the most wicked case of writer’s block. And I do mean wicked because I RARELY get writer’s block. Especially when I have THREE series to work on…it’s a little disconcerting. Honestly, as I’m getting ready for Holiday Matsuri, I’ll be cured of it and will continue to belt out more stories in a timely fashion.

Finally, I’m ending my night by watching The Game Awards 2017 – again. I’m so happy for all the winners for this year:

I’m also excited about the trailer for Soul Calibur 6, my second favorite fighting game series. Hopefully, they’ll do better than their previous installment. Bayonetta 3 looks fantastic and, dare I say it, it’s about damn time. And, also, more importantly, I want to say congratulations to Carol Shaw for being awarded the Industry Icon Award. A well-deserved award for such a brilliant and influential woman.

Well, as usual, thanks for listening to me. Please, don’t forget to follow me on my social media platforms which are listed below:

Twitter: @DimensionAuthor

Instagram: @jpyfrom

https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/17126055.Justin_Pyfrom (GoodRead Page) (Go there if you have any questions for me to answer)

P.S. The links to my social media is also at the bottom right side of the page, as well.


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