Something happened and the blog didn’t post when it was supposed to. Anyway, the rough draft of Dimension: Heroes & Villain is nearing completion and it’s good timing since I need to help my best mate out with his project for his indie production company. My goodness, it’s hard to keep a secret. That and deal with rude people. And, while we’re on the subject on that matter.
Frat Rush (Frat Gay For You, #1) by Chad Lane
Okay, Chad Lane is starting to become a favorite writer of mine. Yep! That’s right, ladies and gents, I’m starting to add a romance author to my list of favorite authors. Funny enough, he’s going to be the second author on my list that’s gay; Michael Zummo, the author of the ingenious D’mok series, is another one of mines. But, seriously, this author is really a delight.
For Him (For Him, #1) by Chad Lane
Okay, so as I stated before, the romance genre is something I’m still researching and adjusting to. At this point, I’m actually digging it so far. Still not exactly my cup of tea BUT I can see why so many readers immerse themselves in the genre. And, like I explained before, the only way I’ll read a romance novel is if it’s LGBT since my next series will be of the same variety.
Time to Upsize (The Indignities Book 1) by Graeme Aitken
So, when I told my friends that I wanted to tackle the romance department, I was told to start reading some romance novels to get a better understanding of the genre. I was also suggested to do the same thing with the Crime genre. So, I was given an invite to and went to town on some free books. The first one was Time to Upsize, an LGBT Romance with a rather…how should I put this…avant grade storyline.
Name: Dissidia Final Fantasy NT
Platform: PlayStation 4
Style: Multiplayer Fighting Game
Publisher(s): SquareEnix & Koei Tecmo
Developer(s): Team Ninja
Release Date: January 30, 2018
Date of Completion: February 5, 2018
Final Fantasy is my all-time favorite franchise. The stories. The characters. The themes. EVERYTHING about that franchise is what I aspire to be in a writer. Of course, there have been some games that were a swing and a hit but the overall franchise has a spectacular following/results and I’m always looking forward to what they have in store for us. This time is no different.
I am soooo tired from my first week of the third shift workforce. Working from 10 at night to 6 in the morning is really the tiring part if you could believe it. Nope, it’s the 45 minutes back and forth between the initial bus stop…IN THE BLOODY SNOW!!! I HATE SNOW!!! I mean it’s nice to look at, but I despise interacting with it. God, I can’t wait for Spring to get here.
This week has been a bit of an oxymoron. Not only has it been relaxing, but also productive. It’s starting to become my drum’s usual beat and I’m actually okay with that…for now. Still, doesn’t mean I don’t have good news to share with the lot of you.
Name: Ratchet & Clank
Platform: Playstation 4
Style: 1-player Platformer/Shooter
Publisher(s): Sony Interactive Entertainment
Developer(s): Insomniac Games
Release Date: April 12, 2016
Date of Completion: January 28, 2018
Along with their games, I have the utmost respect for Insomniac Games and their business ethics regarding teamwork and leadership:
“Insomniac Games focuses on maintaining its independence…Internally, the company’s developers are given much creative freedom. Uninvolved staff members can comment on the games’ designs.”
This week was pretty relaxed for me. Well, somewhat relaxed, I mean I did have to work on my books and wait for my background check to clear. So, yeah, just a normal week, right? Wrong…so wrong. I mean, seriously, you and I both know that life is never that simple.
The Healthy Habit Revolution: Create Better Habits in 5 Minutes a Day by Derek Doepker
Whenever I’m selecting a book outside my usual genre (Science Fiction & Fantasy), my approach is a little different. I want to be able to relate to the book from a PROFESSIONAL standpoint as opposed to a personal one. Reason being is because, usually, if I’m not reading for fun, it’s for growth. That being said, I like to talk about the first book I have completed of the yearly Goodreads’s Reading Challenge.