I can finally start saving up for my plans to making San Francisco my permanent home. In addition to it all, I will be able to start saving up for my writing career so I can properly hire people for editing, co-writing and many other things in an official capacity. This is really exciting for me because I can finally “spend money” to “make money”. But there’s something else I’m increasingly excited about. See, in a week, I will be in the Big Apple for one of my favorite conventions of all time: New York Comic Con.
I’m still making a list of remaining friends I want to spin a light on for the next few weeks of my “We’re All In This Together” segments. But, while I was working on that, I was working on my writing projects which has been going pretty well. But, along with that, something interesting happened this week. Something that gave me pause. Something that made me smile.
So, before, I get back to my “We’re All in This Together” segway, I have to say I met the most fascinating bloke at the bar for the second time. See, usually at the bar to write and drink while chatting with the bartenders to play catch up. I even talk to the bouncer as we’re both gamers (I’m a gaymer; he’s straight) and enjoy just talking about current events and various other topics. But, this gentleman was something else.
I’m not completely done with the “We’re All In This Together” segments because I have way too many friends that have been making strides in their chosen path. However, I do want to talk about something interesting that has happened to me over the week and how coming to a gay bar (the only gay that I go to in Philadelphia) has helped me bounce back from it.
We’re on the fifth week of praise and recognition towards my closest mates who are making wonderful strides in their chosen field. So, just to bring you up to speed if you’ve forgotten:
Week 1: Authors
Week 2: Directors/Screenwriters
Week 3: Male Models & Cosplay
Week 4: Female Models & Cosplay
Now, let’s keep the momentum going by focusing on my friends in the music industry.
We’re on the third week of praise and recognition towards my closest mates who are progressing swimmingly in their field. So, just to bring you up to speed if you’ve forgotten:
Week 1: Authors
Week 2: Directors/Screenwriters
Week 3: Male Models & Cosplay
Now, we’re going to shift the focus from the males and all their manliness to the women and all their grace and elegances. Fair warning, I don’t know as many female cosplayers as I do males…well…at least any that are making strides.
The first week of this month went to the friends in my field, which you can read here. Last week, I dedicated to my screenwriters and directors, which can be read here. Let’s keep this month going by shining a lot of my cosplay and model friends that has been making strides in their profession. Now, I have waaaay too many to count because I go to a lot of conventions so I’m going break it up into two parts (this week, the guys, next week, the girls). So, shall we:
Last week, I highlighted my circle of authors in the life that has shaped my views of my career path. To continue with the month of recognition and appreciation, I want to shine a light on another set of writers. This time around, I will be casting that light onto the screenwriters that I am blessed to have in my life – both personal and professional. So, let’s get this show on the road:
So, this week’s blog post is going to be a little different from before. See, I may seem like a workaholic…well…actually I am a workaholic. A functioning workaholic but I’m also a good friend and a supportive one, too. I have a great number of friends that took the path of the arts like me and, like me, have – and, forevermore, will – dedicated their lives to the craft. It is because of that I am going to dedicate this month to highlighting them. This week, I’m going to be starting with the writers: