Home Life A “Pint” Among Family & Mates

A “Pint” Among Family & Mates

by dimensionaltales

“Patience is a virtue, Justin. Not everything is going to come easily to you; sometimes you’ll have to work harder than normal to perfect certain skills.”

You have no idea how many times I have heard that statement, albeit in many different forms. It has been said to be when I was learning a particularly unique skill in my eyes i.e. a new physical feat, such as a fighting style (Tae Kwon Do was easier for me than Karate, if you could believe it), it takes me a slightly longer time to master it. But not by much, really.

However, this time around, I’m still having a hard time with my driving lessons. And, as you can it imagine, it’s bugging the hell out of me because I’m usually good at picking up a new skill. The things that I have focused on while taking cues from my instructor is a bit overwhelming at times and it’s frustrating the hell out of me.

Of course, I’m not going to give up. I’m stubborn and persistent that way. Besides, I’m almost thirty…I need my license. I need to be able to drive properly and effectively so I have to get better at this. I just have to. I’m just going to have to take what my brother says into account: “Not everything is going to come easily to you.” This lead to an obvious, yet expected, advice: “Practice. Practice. Practice. And, calm the hell down.”

On a side note, I’ve been doing character interviews for my LGBT+ series. The main person I’ve been interviewing is my best mate, a fantastic cosplayer and humble LGBT+ supporter, David Santiago (sorry, fellas, he’s straight). See, I’m using his personality for one character (the main character’s brother) and his smoldering good looks for another character (the main character’s love interest). He has been immeasurably supportive in creating the characters for my project and even offered to model for the cover(s) of the book series – for free. However, I told him that, like with anybody who “works” with me, nobody works for free. I also told him that – after all, he has done for the cosplay community and the exposure he has garnered from free modeling – he’s done working for free; he’s officially paid his due.

Expanding the topic of character interviews, he’s actually the only one I’m doing a detailed character interview for – and it’s for a specific reason. See, David and I’s friendship has been mostly forged by convention appearances and online conversations, so I have actually got to know him from the ground up. It was a fun time, with much more to come, because we both got to know each other in our respective fields. Plus, like always, the bloke is incredibly hilarious and completely helpful in my endeavor. So! In return, I plan to help him get some modeling gigs along with my book series. Maybe so gigs for some romance novels…he does have the sex appeal…being Puerto Rican and all that jazz.

Finally, my second installment of my Dimensions series is coming along swimmingly. Working on my third story (“Testament of Good Will”) as we speak and I’m hoping that I finish the rough draft before the weekend is out. This is going to be the third story on the Hero (Light) side and I’m proud of the duality that’s being portrayed this story, especially since humanity is one of the main background characters that were examined.

Now, it’s time for me to start my day. Please, don’t forget to follow me on my social media platforms (Twitter, Instagram, and Goodreads) which are on the right side of my web page. Also, I do love hearing suggestions of what books to read outside of my norm (Science fiction and fantasy) as I am a part of the reading challenge for 2017 and for 2018.

Finally, if you want to keep up-to-date with David Santiago’s cosplay life, please follow this link:


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