Home Life A Field of Dreams to Play On

A Field of Dreams to Play On

by dimensionaltales

The Wall Scroll program is officially underway, and I couldn’t be prouder. I initially designed the program to allow my best mate’s company (Nexus Gaming Alliance) to connect with numerous artist around the country – and maybe the world – and assist with their journey for social and professional exposure.

See, we just partnered up with a predominant wall scroll company that will turn artist’s artwork, specifically artists who don’t have the means to travel to various conventions, into wall scrolls that we will sale for them. We currently have thirty artists on my wishlist but can only afford about 3-5 artist for the winter cycle. The only thing that’s left is to create a contract and form for the website that’s currently getting a remodel. Hopefully, this program will expand the network for myself and my buddy’s company.

That being said, if you are an artist who wants to increase, or start, their exposure and have a solid collection of artwork, please do not hesitate to email me at jpyfrom@ngainc.org to be added to our wishlist.


Later on, in the week, I found myself rewriting a few of my short stories for future installments of my beloved Dimensions series. See, the stories for the second installment are stamped and not going to change because, well…there’s perfect for showcasing the yin-yang theory towards humanity. However, the third and fourth installment of this series (yes! I’ve planned that far ahead; it’s a beautiful habit of mine), though I have the title for it already set (Mortal Duality and Forced Symphony, respectively), I’m finding myself shuffle through stories. Not because they’re bad, quite the opposite. The problem is that I have to selective about what stories because they have to fix the theme of the installment or it’ll throw off the series.

To add insult to my sanity, I was talking to a mate of mine back home in Philadelphia and he told me something very interesting about our future in our respective field of passion (he’s an indie film director and Tae Kwon Do master). See, he just made it his personal mission to create more content for his portfolio and, having worked with him on a few small projects, can understand his frustration regarding furthering his passion and skills. Interesting enough, this conversation started after learning that Celtx began pushing their subscription fee by crippling free members’ content.

One of the projects we regrettably had to shelf was still on my account was a martial art series that I ended up adding to my space opera’s roster thus “sharing the rights” to the character. I did this because, (1) we both believe that this series can be brilliant and only reason that he had to shelf it was because the building(s) he wanted for the series became unavailable to him and (2) it will allow my space opera to expand to other media when we are able to pick it back up. That being said, I told him to focus on things other martial arts in order to broaden the horizon and add versatility to the portfolio. He, in turn, told me the same thing reminding me that my stories aren’t just meant for books.

I had to smile at that because, if you remember, a while back, I had told myself that I would focus on my own thing i.e. books and nothing else. But, it would seem that God has an entirely different plan for me and I’m just going to have to accept that. I must learn how to share the love, so to speak.

Oh! How rude of me, if you want to see the things my buddy, Andrew Kibe has done for his recently created studio, Kibble Production, you can find him on his Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/kibblesproductions/

You can also hire him for various events that require a videographer, director and such.

Well, that’s all for this week. Come back next week, yeah?

Please, don’t forget to follow me on my social media platforms which are listed below:

Twitter: @DimensionAuthor

Instagram: @jpyfrom

https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/17126055.Justin_Pyfrom (GoodRead Page) (Go there if you have any questions for me to answer)

P.S. The links to my social media is also at the bottom right side of the page, as well.


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